History Of TOSK


Tour Operators Society of Kenya was formed in 2015 by young tour operators who wanted to belong in a tourism association but could not join the associations at the time due to many restrictions. The need to form TOSK was to help in lobbying for favorable tourism policies form the government for small and medium tourism enterprises.

The association was not active at the beginning as they were constituting all requirements to be compliant and requirements to form an association. They also faced rejection from other associations who felt they would have merged and not formed their own.

In 2018, TOSK made a major launch that marked their major entrance into the market. The association has been growing in membership and has been recognized by the government and other institutions as the most vibrant.

Through the management, the association has achieved various strategic partnerships for the benefit of the members and works closely with Kenya Tourism Board to achieve the major tourism concerns and promote Kenya as a tourism destination.

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